"One dance, one look, one kiss, that's all we get, Albert. Just... one shot, to make the difference between happily ever after, and oh? he's just some guy I went to some thing with once."
-excerpt from the movie "Hitch"-
This is one of my favorite movie lines because I can totally feel what the character is trying to convey in this statement.
Often than not, the idea that girls are looking for guys who can make them feel special.. guys who can sweep off their feet is quite true. A guy who can make them laugh whenever they are not on the mood.. a guy who can make them feel how a normal day will feel like a special one whenever she's with him.. A guy who gives a sincere kiss on the forehead when saying goodbye after a long day of being together..
I tell you, guys who have these qualities are not just found in movies. They do exist. And in fact, there are several guys like them thriving in Earth.
Saying that, the question will then be.. “Why is it hard for girls to find a guy having these qualities if it is really true that there are plenty of them in this planet?” The answer my friend can be trimmed down in just one word. –“CHANCE”
Of course if a girl doesn’t know the guy, she will never give a damn interest on him. That’s the problem of “Mr. Right” because as much as we try to deny it, the idea that girls does not fall for personality in the first meeting is true. Girls tend to be carried away by “Mr. Pretty face” in the first glance. And often than not, Mr. Right isn’t an eye catcher.
I am not saying that “Mr. Right” is an ugly guy. He could be an average looking dude or even a good looking one but not just your type. But he just doesn’t have the chance to make a girl see that he is the one she has long been looking for. If he could only have one “hi and hello” to start a conversation, it may help him change the story but sad to say, it’s hard to have that one chance.. that one shot.
A good thing in the movie “Hitch” is the fact that Hitch acts like fate in a man’s body. He’s job is to give that chance and to make that chance possible for not just a stupid guy but for a nice guy who badly needs the chance. He is giving the right broom for the right guy.. for “Mr. right”. He’s job is to open the girls’ eyes that Mr. Right is indeed the right guy.
To sum it all up.. “No matter what, no matter when, no matter who... any man has a chance to sweep any woman off her feet; he just needs the right broom.”
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