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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Last Days

My college years are ending soon. I am about to be a part of the unemployment group. It is February 1 and I only have more or less three months to enjoy a paid learning-while-having-fun scheme away from the eyes of His and Her Majesty, who often remind me of my faith in God and those look-into-what-your-brother-has-right-now sermons. Kuya Tonton is the second child and he made her girlfriend pregnant before he graduated in his BS Mechanical Engineering course at Romblon State University. Lucky me being the youngest to be the landfill site of their frustrations from him and from my other two siblings. It is somewhat a trial and error for them hoping for the last time that they would find, create, or determine their ultimate masterpiece in me.

It is so hard to be alone far away from home though. I am just fortunate enough to find real friends in my dormitory and school.


  1. ahay yolly... wla na ko mahambal nga iban. i'm happy nga lapit mo na gid man matapos though. =)

  2. Haha pol. I wrote this one last february. I saw this in my laptop. I have already forgotten that I have this diary entry last feb 1.


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