by: Christian Duran
There's this koreanovela about a 9-tailed fox (Gumiho as Koreans call it) who badly wants to be come a human being. Well, she looks like a human except for the tails of course that pop up whenever full moon occurs or when she's overexcited about something. She has also has the tendency to erupt or to loose control whenever she's mad which is a scary sight to behold.
My girlfriend is a Gumiho - that's the title of the series. Ever since I was a child, I'm really a big fan of fairy tales. My favorite book of all time is "The world's best fairy tales.... it's more than a thousand-page book with stories from the world's well known fairytale writers an collectors, (Hans Christian Andersen, Brother's Grimm, Andrew Lang, etc.) Yeah, I know, it's not typical for a guy to have that kind of appreciation for fairy tales but don't get me wrong.. I'm straight. hehe
Back on track, My Gf is a Gumiho caught my attention when I saw it's trailer posted on one of my friend's facebook wall. I watched the clip and found it funny and at the same time interesting. so, I watched part 1 through my facebook friend's wall post and immediately fell in love with it. I searched for more videos from youtube and luckily found complete set of episodes. I told my younger brother (Ivan) about it and he also watched the trailer and liked the plot as well.
So Ivan and I watched the series through youtube for more less 5 days 5-6 hours each day. It's grueling on my part knowing that I have work at 9pm-6 am. I was so hooked with the series that I forced myself not to be tired in the morning just to have my dose of episodes. I slept like around 4pm during that particular week and then woke at 8pm and get myself ready for work. Literally it was like 4 hours sleep or less per week. I was starting to feel and look like a zombie. hahaha. but it's okay, My gf is a Gumiho was worth the time.
Here's the synopsis of the koreanovela from Wikipedia.
"Cha Dae-woong (Lee Seung Gi) accidentally releases a gumiho, a legendary fox with nine tails who was trapped inside of a painting by Grandma Samshin, by drawing 9 tails to the fox painting. The gumiho wanted to be human before but was not able to fulfill the request of finding a husband because a rumor was spread claiming that she eats livers of humans. During their first encounter, Dae-woong experiences a life-threatening fall, and the gumiho saves his life by giving him her Orb. Later on, Dae-woong wakes up and meets a pretty girl, not knowing that she is the fox that he released. When Dae-woong finds out about what he did, he must try to keep her happy and hide the fact that she is a gumiho from everyone. However, because Dae Woong has gumiho's Orb that saved his life, he has no choice but to let her stay with him.
As the story goes on, the legendary gumiho (later called Miho) wants to be human. Miho (Shin Min Ah) is informed by a veterinarian named Park Dong Joo (who is half human) that in order to fully transform into a human, she must drink his blood and give Dae-woong her magical Orb so that he keeps the Orb in his body for a full 100 days. Moreover, Dae Woong will not be able to date anyone else but gumiho within the 100 days. However, Dong Joo doesn't tell Miho that after the 100 days pass, in order for her to become human, Dae-woong must die. Trouble brews when Miho and Dae-woong eventually falls in love."
The story though magical in it's sense was simple. Nonetheless, you will be hooked because of the "sincerity aura" that you will on the emotions being emulated. On my part I was so strucked by some of the episode because in one way or another I see myself and I remembered someone. Soemone special..
Mi-ho eventually fell in love with Dae Woong but Dae Woong doesn't feel the same at first. He was in love with another woman. Mi-ho wasn't afraid to admit her feelings for Dae-Woong but eventually grew tired and felt so hurt with the unrequited love she has. There was this one episode where she ran and mentioned that she needs to ran fast from Dae Woong because that's the only way to somewhat lessen her feelings for him. "I have to run as fast as I can.. far away from you because I like you so much. That's the only way for to somehow forget this feeling.. cause whenever you're near, my feelings overwhelms me and I can't help but fall in love hopelessly deeper." That's the thought on her mind during the said episode.
Tears fell from my eyes. I was so touched. I understand the said feeling. I have also experienced being so in love with someone who doesn't feel the same. It's so hard. You're happy when that someone is around but then you start to that everything's hopeless because the two of you will never end up together.
Although Mi-Ho loves Dae-Woong so much, she forced herself to be cold towards him. It's so difficult.. I know how it feels. The good thing is, Dae Woong eventually misses the old Mi-ho (The one who's not afraid to shout to everyone that she likes Dae Woong.. the bubbly and happy go lucky Mi-Ho who loves him dearly) and he eventually realized that he also loves Mi-Ho.
To make the story complicated.. Mi-Ho learned that Dae-woong will die once he will return the magical Orb he's currently keeping inside his body for a hundered days. This was suppose to make Mi-Ho human but she didn't know at first that Dae-Woong will die once the orb will be returned to her. She doesn't want Dae-Woong to know all about this for she doesn't want him to worry too much. Also, as much as she wants to be with him, she opted to be away.. she choose not to take the orb after 100 days for Dae-Woong to live although it means that she will be the one who will die.
The series has some interesting twist and turns. Well, you should watch it yourself to know how it ends. I don't want to spoil it. hahahae. You will also meet the veterenarian (Dong Joo) who also cares for Mi-ho making the story more colorful and complicated.
And who was the person I was referring to that I remmembered while watching the series? She's a special friend. A Korean exchange student I've Known 2 years ago..
It was during a program in school where I was a contestant and my role was Sam Milby (not that I look like him.. maybe I was just the one gutsy enough or let me say corny enough to accept the challenge of impersonating him. hehe) Now when I sang Sam's "My Girl" version, the crowd cheered but it was not as wild as I thought. I wasn't satisfied. That's when I saw this Korean girl sitting at the front row and approched her. I brought her up the stage and sang to her to the delight of the crowd.
If you think that she was the one I was referring to.. you're wrong. hehe. She was just her friend. The girl I am referring to was sitting near that particular girl but unluckily I haven't noticed her. At the end of the presentation.. she approached me along with her friend whom I brought up to the stage and kinda teased me for what I did. i immediately was struck by her friendliness and her "bubbliness" to approach a complete stranger plus she's pretty. She's really pretty.
Through friend connections, I managed to get her number and we eventually became close. She used to ask me to teach her with her English and literature lessons. I don't know if I was of help because I myself didn't understand the lessons she wanted me to explain to her. hehehe.
There are a lot of things I like about her. for one she's pretty.. (Well, I mentioned that already). She's a head turner. My classmates envy me. hahahaha. She wasn't "maarte." She likes to experience Filipino culture. She prefers riding jeepneys over taxis.. and even trisikad. Wow! She wants to try eating in Mang Inasl "kinamot" style. I brought her to Mang- Inasal a couple of times and taught her how to eat with bare hands. She enjoys such experience and she eventually improves in doing so. hehe. we often watched movies and stroll during weekdays.
The problem was I was afraid to admit that I love her cause I know that sooner or later she'll go home and we'll be far away. She said that she loves me and she kept on asking whether I feel the same. I never answered her.
The sad thing was, we've known each other around barely 3 months before graduation.. When I graduated, I immediately went to Makati for Pfizer med rep training. We still get in touch thru tetxing. She still asked the same question and I still didn't give her my answer.. though deep inside I know that I love her. I guess she was so hurt and eventually she asked me whether it would be fine for her to have a "boy friend." She said there's a fellow Korean who was courting that time and that the guy was kind and all that. I told her that it's perfectly fine cause we don't have anything between us. That's the time when lost our communication.
The last message I received from her was when she told me that she'll be going home to Korea. She thanked me for all the things we've shared and that she will never forget me. That's the time the I told her I love her.. I guess it's too late. She only answered with a smile..
I remembered all those moments when I saw the episode where Mi-ho was running from Dae-Woong. It hurts. I wish I have the power to turn back time.. It's really true that you will not know what you have until you lost it. :-(
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Sunday, June 19, 2011
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